Headaches & Neck Pain

Balance & Strength

The aim of Physiotherapy is to resolve acute pain, assist to maintain and prevent recurrences.

Experiencing any of the following symptoms?

  • Headaches brought on by long periods of desk work
  • Neck stiffness and pain from working at computer
  • Limited motion turning neck or looking up
  • Neck pain accompanied by shoulder pain

Physiotherapy can usually assist in the above presentations with a thorough clinical assessment. A clinical assessment would be followed by a detailed explanation of the likely diagnosis and a treatment plan tailored specific to individual circumstances.

Common techniques used in the treatment of neck pain include gentle joint mobilisations in the neck and in the thoracic region, neck traction and soft-tissue massage techniques.

A simple plan of self-exercises which does not require any extensive equipment would also be prescribed that is super easy to do. Most cases of neck pain usually respond well to Physiotherapy within 3 weeks, with complete resolution typically experienced in less than 8 weeks.

Chronic cases of Neck, Back, Leg or Arm pain can significantly improve when combining Physiotherapy treatment with Acupuncture to expedite recovery time. 

For those cases involving severe trauma recovery may take longer.

Having issues with Headaches or Neck pain? Contact us at: 02 9939 0157

or Click on this linkMAKE an ONLINE APPOINTMENT 

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