Often referred to as “Physical Therapy” Physiotherapy restores health through the body with physical examination. A diagnosis that helps educate patients with physical intervention and a rehabilitation plan that promotes good health to tackle acute or chronic issues. Simply put:
"The purpose of Physiotherapy is to restore, maintain and make the most of your mobility and function. Well-being through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, health and fitness."
Physiotherapy takes a holistic, whole-body approach that helps to maintain health of all ages. Helps manage pain and prevent disease, whilst encouraging development that facilitates recovery. During an initial consultation our Physiotherapist will aim to diagnose your issue and develop a treatment plan with you. This will include hands-on therapy, exercise and education all designed with the goal of getting you back to being pain-free.
Common conditions we Treat
If experiencing limited mobility within the Neck, Shoulder, Back, Knee or Ankle, these areas are typically ideal for Physio treatment to attract positive results in most instances. Due to the positive outcomes from Physio treatment, GP’s tend to recommend this form of rehabilitation as way to regain function and mobility as a Prescription.
Some of the areas the body struggles are often tied to:
- Nerve pain (pins and needles)
- Muscle pain soreness
- Restricted movement
- Post-surgery issues
- Joint Pain
- Sport or Work related injury
Specialised Physio Techniques gets to the root of a problem:
- Soft-tissue massage
- Joint mobilisations
- Manual therapy
Dependant on the condition, positive results with a speedier recovery have been achieved when receiving treatment in conjunction with another form of treatment such as with Acupuncture.
Experiencing limited movement, debilitating pain? Contact us at 02 9939 0157
or Click on this link: MAKE an ONLINE APPOINTMENT
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