Balance & Strength

Admin Reception

Tim Coaldrake

B. Social Work, Cert III AUSLAN, CPR & First Aid Certificate

Since graduating from the University of Sydney in 2017, I became a qualified Social Worker as well as working in the Disability and Health sectors.

Previously, I worked at Northern Beaches Hospital involved in collaborating with Health Practitioners, ensuring the best patient outcomes. My experience transitions naturally to Purelife Healthcare whereby my role functions similar as a team for your benefit.

My role is to help ensure your treatment progresses smoothly and that your well-being is prioritised. Staffing the front desk, I help manage your appointments and payments, respond to phone calls, questions and assist with Practitioner support.

My objective is to ensure your experience with us is beneficial. An interpersonal engaging approach with a commitment that is holistic with clients and our specialist Practitioners.

My communication contributes to liaising between client and practitioner for optimal care outcome.

Book an Appointment here