Joint & Muscle Pain
Joint and Muscle pain conditions
Symptoms and causes vary. Sitting stationary in the same position for long extended hours at a time, Physical exercise through sport injury, Heavy labour & manual work build up tension that creates pain in the joints and muscles experiencing severe pain.
The optimal health remedy towards recovery, jointly with Acupuncture, is in conjunction with Osteopath is a highly effective way of reducing or eradicating a debilitating issue by attacking the issue with dual therapeutic methods.
Depending on the injury, incorporating acupuncture with cupping also delivers a compounded affect that further helps as needed.
To improve a condition or injury, we not only address the issue directly, but also provide a management plan to ensure patients are well taken care of even after their recovery.
Find yourself with a pain condition? Contact us at 02 9939 0157 or Click on this link: Make an Online Appointment
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