Knee Pain
Suffering from these Knee Pain Symptoms?
- Pain around the front of your knee and/or under the knee cap
- Pain on the outside of you knee during or after running
- Clicking with pain during walking, turning or running
- Stiffness and lack of range when going down stairs, bending down, etc...
- A feeling of knee swelling after activity or sport
Knee pain can affect people of all ages. Fortunately, Physiotherapy can assist in the above presentations by identifying the root cause of the problem, then a treatment plan is implemented to promote a return to full function.
Clinical Treatment
Treatments generally begin with Manual Hands-on therapy, based on soft tissue massage techniques and knee joint mobilisations.
To resolve most of the above knee conditions, the approach of Physiotherapy to the knee is to restore full range flexion and proper meniscal mobility. Also, when receiving Physiotherapy and Acupuncture treatments concurrently, the recovery timeline is reduced due to the 2 different types of treatment methods that compliment each other.
Once these health objectives have been achieved, a gradual strengthening program will be implemented for an optimal outcome.
Knee conditions usually take time to resolve completely, therefore timeframes can be anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months depending on the severity of the injury, the length of time with the injury or whether there were any surgical interventions historically.
Any knee pain that persists for months even after regular physiotherapy intervention would need to be referred to a specialist for further in-depth assessment.
Experiencing pain? Contact us at: 02 9939 0157
or Clink on this link: MAKE an ONLINE APPOINTMENT
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